Gaining Food Freedom
No Matter Where You Live
Whoever owns your food owns you. Now is the perfect time to start or continue your food freedom journey. We can help you at Food Plus Freedom.

At Food Plus Freedom, you’ll find informational articles, videos, and courses helping you become more food independent. You’ll learn how to gain more control over your food sources. Plus, workable solutions to gain your food needs without chemicals or genetic engineering.
No, you don’t have to grow it all yourself. You can become part of a like-minded community, while still doing your own thing.
Do you want more control over your food and your life?
You need to grow your mindset about how you look at food freedom and how to accomplish it. It’s not about settling. It’s about creating and gaining food abundance.
You’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. You have your daily and weekly routines and habits. You’ve become dependent on large corporations that don’t have your best interest at heart. Plus, a government that is too far removed to understand your needs, wants, and desires.
Before big agriculture, big business, and big government interfered with your food and supply chain, people used to grow and buy their food locally. Back then, food was more nutritious, flavorful, and fresh. Our food didn’t contain dyes, genetic engineering, or corn syrup. People enjoyed better health, happiness, and physical condition. Yes, you can have it all again.
It’s time to have a mindset shift.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 20, 40, 65, or older, you can change your food lifestyle and gain food freedom at every stage of life.
The first thing you need to do if you haven’t already, is check your mindset. Are you stuck in a time when you didn’t think you needed to worry about your food? Before the awareness of chemicals in our food. If that’s the case, then you must perceive the world as it truly is, not as you want it to be. Changing your mindset helps you gain food freedom. Remember, whoever controls your food owns you. Take back your food and gain more freedom.
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Who is this website for?
Anyone who…
- Likes to eat and have supplies.
- Wants more control over their food.
- Wants food security and peace of mind.
- Wants food information to make educated food buying choices.
- Wants to learn to grow their own food, including produce and livestock.
- Wants to grow without harmful and genetically engineered chemicals and seeds.
- Wants to arm themselves with information to buy local.
- Wants solutions to growing, storing, and being more prepared for daily life.
Who are we?
We are an average American mother-daughter team that lives over 500 miles apart. We love to eat and feed our families. We love experimenting with different spices and foods for health, wellness, and taste. We love cooking from scratch because it gives us control over what goes into our bodies. We strive to buy and eat locally as much as possible.
Janet (mom) has been on her food freedom journey for over 30 years. It started when she was pregnant with her oldest child. A time when there wasn’t the internet for vast information or connection. It was about learning old fashion skills from people we were still preserving, and cooking from scratch. She learned to do this while raising her kids, working out of the house when necessary, and taking care of her own health issues.
Before starting her food health journey, Janet didn’t know how to cook very much from scratch, preserve food, or grow food in abundance. It was before organic was a thing, and we didn’t know the establishment was poisoning us with their farming practices. No, everything didn’t go smoothly from this moment forward.
Over the next 30 years, Janet had to overcome health issues, which set her back on her food freedom journey. She continued to push forward for her health and the health of her children. She learned to raise food on an apartment balcony, while renting a house, in a small housing development, before moving to land. Which added a new set of rules and skills to be developed. She made every mistake possible, and then some.
She took one step at a time from being a fast food eating young adult to an older adult that eats mostly from scratch locally grown food.
As of 2024, Janet and her husband grow about 85% of their own food with another 10 percent purchased locally from small farmers. Only 5% of their food comes from corporations.
Makalia grew up in her mom’s crazy world of not to eat dyes, fast food, and junk. The information and activities didn’t stick with her. She left for college and created her own world. Even though she was around the environment, she didn’t embrace the homestead ideology. Nor did she think the food system was that bad.
That all changed when she wanted to start her own family. She started taking notice of food, ingredients, how something was raised, and chemicals in her food sources.
Makalia and her family are in the very beginning stages of their food freedom and homesteading journey. Always learning for herself and giving her mom new information.
In 2022, was the first year they had a garden. In 2023, they added a few chickens. In the past few years, they’ve connected with small local farmers for as much food as they can. Currently, they grow about 10% of their own food. They buy about 30% or so of their food from local farmers. Plus, when mother and daughter get together, some food goes from one homestead to another.
Even though mother and daughter don’t live close to each other, they still homestead together. Sharing information, techniques, ideas, and more.
We are here to help you get from where you are, to where you want to be on your food freedom journey. If you want to become healthier, grow your own food, preserve, buy local, and eat real food. We can help.
We can fight back and gain our food independence one seed at a time, one local grower at a time, and one person at a time. That person can be you.
Plus, whoever controls your food controls you!
Be in control – Be free.
We’re all in this together!
Grow Food – Buy Local: Gain Health and Freedom
JM Davis & ME Smith
Food Plus Freedom