Make Free Sweet potatoes

By JM Davis

Gardening, Growing Food & Medicine

You can make your own free sweet potatoes with ease.

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Sweet potatoes are what I call free food.

Sweet potatoes grow from other sweet potatoes, called sweet potato slips. They are easy to grow and free to boot. If you don’t have any of your own sweet potatoes to make slips from, you can buy organic sweet potatoes from the store and create slips.

Supplies Needed:

  • 35% peroxide, you will dilute. Be very careful with this.
  • water
  • sweet potatoes
  • containers to grow in (I use different size canning jars.)
  • toothpicks
  • warm window without drafts. South facing is ideal, but any window with light will work.


  1. Add about 10 drops of 35% peroxide to a half a gallon of water. (optional)
  2. Place three toothpicks in the top third of the sweet potato, creating a triangle. The toothpicks sit on the top of the jar holding the potato.
  3. Place in a jar of water.
  4. Set in a window sill.

As the slips start growing up and gain roots, you can pull them off the sweet potato and put them in water.

Sweet potato slips take between si weeks and several months to grow depending on the temperature in your home. Enjoy.

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