Homesteading is a peace of mind, not a piece of land.

Helping You Find Solutions…

Food Plus Freedom offers freedom-loving people solutions via podcasts, articles, videos, and courses.
Feed Your Family

Helping you, help yourself create healthy food. If you grow your food or not.

Gain Supplies

Helping you find supplies locally and online from like minded businesses.

Be Prepared

Helping you be prepared today and tomorrow.

Gain Knowledge

Knowledge equals choices which creates freedom.

Growing food in containers, Chickens running by

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Homesteading – Sustainability – Freedom
No Matter Where You Live

Latest – Articles – Videos – Podcasts


 Woman's hands planting food
Solution-based articles:
enhances our podcasts.
  • Recipes
  • In-depth information
  • How to’s for food and supplies
  • Different stocking techniques
  • Terminology
  • Plus Much More!

When reading information makes it easier to understand.


Food Plus Freedom Video
Solution-based and Fun Videos Enhance Our Podcast.
  • When only a video will do
  • Quick videos
  • Showing you the pros, cons, successes, and failures of homesteading.
  • Helping you see what is possible.
  • Videos from the homestead, just for fun!


Food Plus Freedom Podcast Finding Solutions
Solution-based podcast
  • Options for those who create nothing.
  • Ideas for those who create everything.
  • Solutions for everyone in between.
  • Ideas and results to catapult you from where you are, to where you want to be.
  • Plus Much Much More

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We do more than discuss what’s happening in our food and supply chain. We search for solutions, live these solutions, and share our failures and successes.
Listen here or where ever you listen to your favorite podcasts

Remember, one person’s failure is another person’s success.
You’re not failing, you’re figuring out how not to do something.

Grow Food – Eat Local – Gain Freedom