Food Freedom or Food Fear

By JM Davis



Podcast Full Show Notes

Hello, I’m Janet Davis and welcome to Food Plus Freedom Podcast. Today is January 30th, 2024 Episode 17, Are you preparing for Food Freedom or Food Fear? It’s not the same thing and we will discuss why.

Remember Food Plus Freedom is a solutions based podcast and website for freedom-loving people just like you. Where you get solutions about food, supplies, and finding freedom for your family without always being dependent on big government, big business, or big agriculture.

As a reminder, February is going to be Chicken month. No, this doesn’t mean everything is going to be about chickens. And no it doesn’t mean everything is going to be going to the birds. It just means in February we will be kicking off a bunch of information that has to do with raising chickens, eating chickens, growing chickens, cooking chickens, feeding chickens, plus a lot of other stuff.

It’s important information for anyone who wants to have clean meat. Or who wants to buy chickens from someone else who is raising them without big biz, big gov, and big ag all intertwined. We will have some videos, recipes, articles, and other information. Make sure if you’re interested in chickens that you connect with us so you will be in the loop.

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Don’t forget to stay until the end of the show for the quick tip of this episode.
Now on with the show.

Episode 17: Are you preparing for Food Freedom or Food Fear and no, it’s not the same thing.

Both Food Freedom and Food Fear are a mindset. It’s where you start. Food Freedom starts with the desire to be prepared on a daily basis. Food Fear is a reaction to something that is happening to you.

Food Freedom allows you to plan out what you want to eat or what you need for supplies. You decide how much you want to store for yourself at anyone time. Are your supplies and food for a week, a month, a year etc? You’re in charge because you have a plan and a follow through. You plan what you need; you plan on how you’re going to get your food or supplies, and you plan on how you’re going to stock it. Stocking food and supplies is a proactive activity. You can’t just sit around hoping it will happen. No, you need a plan and you need to work that plan as well.

Different ways people can obtain inexpensive yet clean food is through auctions, buying in bulk, wholesale, growing your own, or bartering.

Back in the day, people used to do something called gleaning. After the farmer was finished with the harvest the farmer would invite people to glean or go through the fields and pick what was left. It helped the farmer cleanup, helped people gain food, and cut back on waste.

I am not sure if this exists anymore, but the easiest way to find out would be to well go ask a farm. There might be a small charge, but it would be worth it. People who gleaned did so, knowing this would be a source of their food. It was a choice. Food Freedom is a choice.

Food Fear is the opposite of freedom, it’s a reaction, not a decision. Food fear makes you grab supplies or food if it makes sense or not. And many times it is triggered because other people are doing something and you think, Oh I better do this too. I’m sure most you remember during the plandemic when people were running to the store hoarding toilet paper. There were fights in the store over toilet paper. I’m not making fun of it. Toilet paper is an important supply and you can’t grow it. But can you image the conversation? Hurry, honey get to the store and grab every roll of toilet paper you can in your cart. And don’t let anybody get in your way. I’m thinking you know there’s an emergency. Unless you have bunches of food already stored, you’re not going to need that toilet paper.

Food Freedom and food fear starts in your mind. For instance, you know you’re going to be gone for a meal, so you pack food or a snack. You’re planning so you don’t have to worry about not having food. VS Food Fear, you’re out and about during a meal and start to feel like you need food, or you’re getting light-headed or worse, your kids are yelling they are starving. Since there’s no planning you’re stopping at the closest, fastest food place you can find. Your lack of planning has made it so you’re eating crap food and will probably pay for it later.

Yes, this happens to the best of us where we’ve stayed out longer than we thought and didn’t have food. However, if you have a food fear mentality, you’ll stop anywhere. If you have a food freedom mentality, you will not panic, but evaluate the situation and either get home or find food from some place that is clean and non- toxic. Maybe you’ll stop at a restaurant that is known for clean food, or organic, or stop at the grocery store and pick up a couple of treats for you and the kids that is organic and clean. Again, it all starts with your mind set.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, the main difference in the mindset of food freedom and food fear is planning and panicking. How well do you think in panic mode? In panic mode, you’re not thinking your best. And you might not be thinking at all. You’re just reacting, you’re panicking, maybe you’re having an anxiety attack, and most likely you are creating an altercation with at least yourself if not someone else. Why? Because you are panicking, and reacting, not thinking and evaluating.

Food fear is a quick fix for right now or for a bit of a moment. And I am sure everyone knows at least one person who freaked out when the grocery store shelves were emptying or had limits that you could buy. But as soon as the shelves became full again, they figured the fear was over and forgot about the situation. They learned nothing, so they still have food and supply fear.

Hopefully, you’ve learned from the past few years, and are working on your food and supply freedom mindset.

How do you get yourself to a food freedom mindset?

Simply, by working on it every day. Plan for food for a week, expand it to a month, 6 months, then a year or more. Be mindful of what your family eats and doesn’t eat. It makes no sense to stock foods and supplies that your family doesn’t use, or doesn’t eat. Be aware of sales, and picking up extra when items are on sale. Look into what is available locally and what time of year items are available. When are your farmer’s markets? Where are they? Learn how to stock up through freezing, canning, dehydrating, freeze drying, fermenting, etc.

There are plenty of books and videos available online to be able to learn anything you want. Plus, if you talk to other like-minded people, most will be willing to help.
And don’t forget to go to our website and listen to our videos, our podcasts and read our articles for information as well. Plus, you can email us questions at We will answer you. It’s very important that everybody helps each other so we can all have more food freedom for everybody.

If today is the first day of your food freedom, congratulations. You have to start some place, why not it be today? You’re going to move forward and learn lots and lots of things. You might even get side tracked a time or two or a 100. But that’s okay too. Food Freedom is a process of learning, growing and moving forward for a solution for all times, not just for a solution for immediate times. And you can do it.

If you’re just starting you might be thinking, where do I start? If you have been starting, you might be thinking, where do I go now?

If You’re just starting, Food Freedom may seem very overwhelming to you. But I have a very simple answer for you. If you’ve been looking for food freedom for a month, a day a week, or you’ve been doing it for 30 years. Start right where you’re at right this second.

And what I mean by that is sit down and evaluate where you are. If you’re running to the store four times a week because you don’t have meals. Stop doing it. Figure out how to plan for meals, so you’re only going to the store once a week. Then bump it to once every two weeks, or once a month. Or plan it so it’s when you’re coming home from work, so yo’re not running back out again.

Make it so you’re making a change in one place. If you’ve been working on food freedom and you’re pretty far into it, or maybe you’re not. Do the exact same thing. Evaluate what you’re doing. Basically,everyone needs to do, and we do this every single year. We say where are we right now? Where do we want to be at the end of the year or the end of two or three years? And that can change drastically on your family size, your age and where you’re going in life as well.

It’s not necessarily an age situation, but it could be. Or a financial situation, but it could be that as well. You have to be honest with yourself and say things like. I want to grow my food or I don’t want to grow my food, but I want someone else to grow it for me like I would. Which is fine too. There is enough people who want to grow food and would grow more food if they had others paying them to grow and then it’s a win win for everyone. Maybe you want to travel a little more, maybe you want to be a homebody a little bit more. Whatever you want to do evaluate it and then make those changes for your food freedom.

I should warn you about a few downsides to having a food freedom mentality. One – friends, relatives, and coworkers will not understand where you’re coming from. They may even make fun of you. Brush them off, because you’re working on food freedom for life, not for a moment. And as much as I don’t want you to have a situation you will be set if there is one. When we had storms and lost power one year, we didn’t worry about not being able to drive down the mountainto to get any supplies. We had small kids, the weather was terrible, the roads were closed, the stores were closed, but we were safe. Our neighbors and us bound together to help each other through the week. It wasn’t planned for, but by having food and supplies we had planned for it without realizing it.

Another downsize is what people might say to you. Like what are you doing waiting for the apocolypse? Or maybe the end of time? You just want to smile at them and say, you have no idea. But in reality by havng food freedom and having food stored and having supplies stored you’re going to elliviate issues if you lose a job, youdon’t have as many hours, if there aren’t supplies on the shelf. And these are all things we have seen in the last few years.

And three you’ll get people telling you that it doesn’t matter what you eat anyhow, Go buy things at the store. You know better. These are the same people who will complain to you about the cost of food and the junk that’s in it. And how they really don’t feel very good.

So the next time someone makes fun of you, tell them yep I’m jst preparing for the apocolypse just to see their reaction.

Or better yet, just smile pat your stomach and walk away.
Work on your for freedom mind set, and don’t worry if other have a food fear, because you don’t.

Thanks you for listening to food plus freedom podcast. Please isit our website at sign up for our newsletter and never miss an episode.

Now hang tight for the tip of the day.

Do you know the best way to tell if your eggs are good or not? Float them. Yep, you heard me. Float them. Fill your sink up with water, make it cold water, put your eggs inside of it. If they all sink. Make sure you have enough water over the top of them, they are good. If they float completely they are definitely bad. If one side comes up they are either old or bad.

So why would you want to float your eggs? Well if you’re buying eggs from the store, you don’t know how old they really are. Or if you have your own flock and happen to find a bunch of unaccounted for eggs, but you don’t want to toss them out.

Maybe you found a bunch of eggs in your refrigerator and you don’t remember when they were bought or even if they’re good. So the next time you’re not too sure about your eggs, just put them in water and float them. Or better yet, hopefully you’ll be sinking them.

Now you know.
This is Janet Davis from Food Plus Freedom, subscribe to our podcast and visit our website so you never miss a thing
Remember, whoever owns your food – owns you.
Grow food – Eat Local – Gain Freedom
We’ll talk to you on friday.
Have a great week.

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